Sunday, January 29, 2012


I deactivated my facebook account a while ago, and it has been so liberating. I used to surf facebook every day (second to checking email) simply because new information, pictures, and messages were being posted every minute. Its not like the facebook beginnings when everything was mostly static and all you had was a profile and wall. Now you can post your entire life on facebook, updating it every minute if you wanted to. I suddenly knew the mundane details of people I barely knew, as well as good friends. Time goes by, minute by minute, and you realized you wasted a couple hours viewing, commenting, and gaming.

Now that I don't have facebook, my computer usage has dropped considerably. After a few minutes of checking and responding to emails, I honestly don't have much to do online. So I just get offline and move on to other important things. Its been great. Yeah, it would be nice to know what's going on with my friends through facebook, but it feels more real when I can ask them to their face, "How are you?" and not already know the answer simply because I read their status update. I feel like it authenticates my true friendships and frees my time for other interests.

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